We offer a wide range of lectures and training sessions for organizations and their employees.
Speaking Engagements We
are often asked to speak on such topics as "Planning for Incapacity: Power of Attorney, Health Care
Proxy and Living Wills", "Establishing Medicaid Eligibility", "Understanding Medicare", "Nuts
and Bolts of Estate Planning" and many others. Topics are tailored to the needs, concerns and interests of the
audience. Some of the organizations where we have presented : - Caringkind (formerly known as The Alzheimer's Association of New York City)
- Columbia
Presbyterian Hospital
- Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
- Skadden,
Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP
- New York Society for Ethical Culture (NYSEC)
- Internal Revenue Service
- Federal Depositor's Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Lenox Hill Hospital
- St.Vincent's Hospital
- J.P. Morgan
Chase Bank
- Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Home Care Agency
- Roosevelt
Island Residents' Association
- The Ford Foundation
- The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
- The Annual Mayoral Conference on Alzheimer's Disease
- The Practicing Law Institute of New York
- New York State Bar Association Practical
Skills Seminar
- Mount Sinai Hospital (Queens)
- Geriatric Care
Managers Association
- Montefiore Medical Center
- Continuing Care
Leadership Coalition
- Jewish Home and Hospital
- New York State
Bar Association
- Brookdale Center on Aging of Hunter College
- Flushing
Hospital Medical Center
- National Constitution Center Audio Conferences
- District Council 37 Municipal Legal Services Plan
- Wharton Club of New York Investors
If you are interested in arranging for a presentation to your organization, please
contact us by phone or e-mail. We provide presentations free of charge.
Speaking Engagements and Meetings for 2022 - 2024. Hynes & Chu attorneys
will be presenting at the following events: January 6, 2022 - CaringKind (formerly known as the Alzheimer's Assoc. of
NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30 to 7:00 pm - Speaker
= Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational meetings" to register.
This program is free and open to the public via Zoom. March 3, 2022 - CaringKind (formerly
known as the Alzheimer's Assoc. of NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30
to 7:00 pm - Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational meetings"
to register. This program is free and open to the public via Zoom.May 5, 2022 - 34th
Annual PLI Elder Law Institute, sponsored by the Practicing Law Institute of New York. Annual program
covering elder law related subjects. Speaker and Co-Chair = Douglas Chu. This is a continuing legal education
program for CLE credit. Visit www.pli.edu for more information. June 2, 2022 -
CaringKind (formerly known as the Alzheimer's Assoc. of NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application
Process". 5:30 to 7:00 pm - Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org
and go to "educational meetings" to register. This program is free and open to the public via Zoom. July
7, 2022 - CaringKind (formerly known as the Alzheimer's Assoc. of NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid
Home Care Application Process". 5:30 to 7:00 pm - Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org
and go to "educational meetings" to register. This program is free and open to the public via Zoom. July
20, 2022 - Morningside Retirement & Health Services. Subject - "Introduction to
Estate Planning": power of attoney, health care proxy, living wills, Wills and Trust options. Speakers
= Douglas Chu and Sherri Hughes. To be held at the MRHS Center at 100 LaSalle Street at 1 pm. August
3, 2022 - DC 37 Municipal Employees Legal Services. Subject = Inservice Legal Training for Staff
Attorneys on "Medicaid Eligibility Rules" . 2:00pm to 4:00 pm - Speaker = Douglas Chu. This
is a continuing legal education program for CLE credit. This is a Zoom programSeptember 1, 2022 -
CaringKind (formerly known as the Alzheimer's Assoc. of NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application
Process". 5:30 to 7:00 pm - Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational
meetings" to register. This program is free and open to the public via Zoom. September 21, 2022
- DC 37 Municipal Employees - Subject = "Introduction to Medicaid Planning Options" - program will cover
income and assets rules and options for preserving assets and apply for Medicaid services for Long-Term Care. This is
a Zoom program from 5:30 to 7:00 pm- contact DC 37 to enroll for this free program for DC 37 members. Presented by Douglas
Chu. September 29, 2022 - Morningside Retirement & Health Servcies. Subject = "Basic
Introduction to Medicaid Eligibility" - this program will cover the basic rules on income and resources for establishing
Medicaid eligibility; will include a review of the new Home Care Transfer penalty rules. To be held at the MRHS Center
located at 100 LaSalle Street at 1:00 pm. November 3, 2022 - CaringKind (formerly known
as the Alzheimer's Assoc. of NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30 to
7:00 pm - Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www. caringkind.org and go to "educational meetings"
to register. This program is free and open to the public via Zoom.November 9, 2022 -
DC 37 Municipal Employees Staff Training- Presented by Douglas Chu. Subject:
Issues in Nursing Home Admissions Process. This is an in-service program for attorneys and staff. This is a CLE program
for credit. February 2, 2023 - CaringKind (formerly known as the
Alzheimer's Assoc. of NY City). Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30 to 7:00 pm
- Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational meetings" to register.
This program is free and open to the public via Zoom.March 2, 2023 - CaringKind
Education Series. Subject = "The Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30 to 7:00 pm -
Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "education meetings"
to register. This program is free and open to the public via Zoom. April 3, 2023 -
Caringkind Education Series. Subject = "Planning for Incapacity" - Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy
and Planning for Long-Term Care. 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Speaker= Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go
to "educational meetings" to register. This is a free program and open to the public via Zoom. May
4, 2023 - 35th Annual PLI Elder Law Institute, Sponsored by the Practicing Law Institute of New
York. This annual all day program covers elder law related subjects for attorneys. Speaker
and Program Chair = Douglas Chu. This is a Continuing Legal Education Program for Attorney CLE credit.
Visit www.pli.edu for more information.June 6, 2023 - CaringKind Education
Series. Subject= "Planning for Incapacity" - Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and Planning
for Long-Term Care. 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Speaker=Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational
meetings" to register. This is a free program and open to the public via Zoom.July 6, 2023 -
CaringKind Education Series. Subject = "Medicaid Home Care Application Process".
5:30 to 7:00 pm. Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational meetings"
to register. This is a free program and open to the public via Zoom.August 7, 2023 - CaringKind
Education Series. Subject = "Planning for Incapacity" - Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and Planning
for Long-Term Care. 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Speaker = Douglas Chu. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational
meetings" to register. This is a free program and open to the public via Zoom. September
7, 2023 - CaringKind Education Series. Subject = "Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30 to
7:00. Speaker = Douglas ChuDecember 4, 2023 - CaringKind Education Series. Subject = "Planning
for Incapacity" - Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and Long Term Care planning. 5:30-7:00. Speaker = Douglas
ChuJanuary 4, 2024 - CaringKind Education Series. Subject = "Medicaid Home Care Application
Process". 5:30-7:00. Speaker = Douglas ChuFebruary 12, 2024 - Lewy Body Support Group. Subject
= "This to address when planning for the long-term effects of Lewy Body dementia". 12 - 1 pm. Speaker = Douglas
Chu March 4, 2024 - CaringKind Education Series. Subject = Planning for Incapacity"
- Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and Long Term Care Planning. 12 - 1:30 . Speaker = Douglas ChuApril
4, 2024 - CaringKind Education Series. Subject = "Medicaid Home Care Application Process". 5:30 - 7:00.
Speaker = Douglas ChuApril 8 , 2024 - 36th Annual PLI Elder Law Institute -sponsored by the
Practising Law Institute. This is a CLE program for Attorneys. Program Chair = Douglas ChuJune
3, 2024 - Caringkind Education Series. Subject = "Planning for Incapacity" -
Understanding Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy and paying for Long Term Care. 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Speaker is Douglas Chu.
This is a free public service program presented via Zoom. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational
meetings" to register.June 6, 2024 - Caringkind Education Series. Subject = "Medicaid
Home Care Application Process". 5:30 - 7:00. Speaker = Douglas Chu July
17, 2024 - DC 37 Municipal Employee Education Session. Subject = Basic Medicaid Eligibility:
understanding how to become eligible for Medicaid coverage. 5:30-7:00 pm - Speaker is Douglas Chu. This is a CLE
program for credit.August 1, 2024 - Caringkind Education Series. Subject
= "Medicaid Home Care Application Process" - understanding and completing a Medicaid application. 5:30 - 7:00 pm -
Speaker is Douglas Chu.This is a free public service program presented via zoom. Please visit www.caringkind.org and
go to "educational meetings" to register. September 10, 2024 - Wharton Club of
New York Investors Group. Subject = "How Medicaid can offset the cost of long-term care". 12 noon
- 1 pm - Speaker is Douglas Chu. This is an internal presentation provided to members of the Wharton Club of New York. December 5, 2024 - Caringkind Education Series. Subject = "Medicaid
Home Care Application Process" - understanding and completing a Medicaid application. 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Speaker is Douglas
Chu. This is a free public service program presented via zoom. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational
meetings" to register. January 9, 2025 - CaringKind
Educational Series. Subject : "Medicaid Home Care Application Process"- understanding and completing a Medicaid
application. 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Speaker is Douglas Chu. This is a free public services program presented via Zoom.
Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational Meetings" to register. March 6, 2025 - CaringKind Educational Series. Subject : "Medicaid Home Care
Application Process" - underdstanding and completing a Medicaid application. 5:30 - 7:00 pm- Speaker is Douglas
Chu. This is a free public services program presented via Zoom. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational
meetings" to register.June 5, 2025 - CaringKind Educational
Series. Subject : "Medicaid Home Care Application Process" - Understanding and completing a Medicaid application.
5:30 - 7:00pm - Speaker is Douglas Chu. This is a free public service program presented via Zoom. Please visit www.caringkind.org
and go to "educational meetings" to register.August 7, 2025 - CaringKind
Educational Series. Subject : " Medicaid Home Care Appliation Process" - understanding and complelting
a Medicaid applicaton. 5:30 - 7:00 - Speaker is Douglas chu. This is a free public service program presented via
Zoom. Please visit www.caringkind.org and go to "educational meeings" to register. October 2, 2025 - CaringKind Educational Series. Subject :
"Medicaid Home Care Application Process" - Understanding and completing a Medicaid application. 5:30 - 7:00
- Speaker is Douglas Chu. This is a free public service program presented via Zoom. Please visit www. caringking.org
and go to "educational meetings" to register.
Calendar Changes weekly - please check for updates.